Raven Alexis

Raven Alexis


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 249
  • 3
  • 230
The ravishing Raven Alexis is part French, part Native American, and all sex-bomb. Shes an incredibly popular porn actress because of her stunning beauty, unstoppable body, and obvious passion for getting railed. Theres a stereotype floating around out there that porn stars are “ how do we put this “ not the brightest bunch, but Raven defies that stereotype. Shes a bright broad who went straight to college after high school and graduated with a degree in criminal justice and a minor in psychology. So how did she get pointed towards a more erotic career path? Well, its like a Hollywood movie plotline. A Playboy photographer spotted a pic of Raven on social media and knew he had to shoot this hottie. That gig led to some sexy online modeling jobs, which then led to multiple porn offers. Since Ravens always loved sex, she jumped right into porno, starring in a number of videos for all the big studios and getting fucked in every way imaginable. Plus, shes also popped up in a number of non-porn acting parts. After a cancer scare (dont worry, shes alright), she stepped back from the industry to concentrate on making her own porn, webcamming, and going after more mainstream roles.

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Albums (17)