Mellanie Monroe
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- Height: 5 ft 9 in (175 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 532
- 15
- 210
Mellanie Monroe is one tall and tough MILF who can suck ball juice through cock shafts like her mouth was designed by Dyson Vacuums. This lovely lady of the night has such boner appeal that, when she walks through a room full of dudes, you can hear the blood rush right to their throb knobs. This blonde bombshell is a boy-toy killer, through and through. Standing at 5-foot-9 but weighing barely more than 100lbs, most of that awesome weight is situated in her great rack and bubbly white-lady behind. She puts that ass to great use, doing some serious anal stretching for only the top studios out there, like Brazzers and Evil Angel. When its not her ass in the spotlight, Mellanie can be one hell of a mature dominatrix, whipping some young teen girls ass into shape before getting face-deep in that pussy and butt crack. But after playing with the girls, Mellanie always comes back for the dong, and no dong pleases her more than black python. Is there anything sweeter than a busty white MILF getting ripped open and cock-rocketed by a big, young Black buck, only to have his gonad milk plastered all over her face? We dont think so, and neither does Mellanie Monroe. This Florida babe can take any amount of thrusting and thrashing thrown at her by the biggest dicks in the biz.
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