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Mariska X
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- Age: 46
- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
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Mariska is a Belgian/Brazilian producer and International actress born in Brazil on May 1, 1978, she lives in Belgium since 2008. She is known as an international actress from Brazzers, Marc Dorcel, Colmax, Daring, Killergram etc... In 2012, she started her own label: MariskaX Productions. Meanwhile, MariskaX produces 1 to 2 Flemish/Belgian feature-length movies with nice stories per month. In 2016 Mariska took over the film label Lipstick from Eddy Lipstick. In 2017 she won the Venus Award as Best Newcomer Porn production. The movies of Mariska are broadcasted in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, France and the US.
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