Margo Sullivan
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- Height: 5 ft 4 in (163 cm)
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So mature chicks get your rocks off? And maybe you get peeved by clicking on some MILF or cougar porno and finding out that the so-called MILF is 29 years old at the most. Yes, 29 is old in porn years, but if you desire the real deal, you need to take in the fine skin flicks of Margo Sullivan! Margo did not even make her first porno film until she was 49, back in 2009, and shes still going strong with no signs of stopping. Born in 1960 and located in Florida, she was always sexually open and adventurous. A bisexual swinger with a love for risky outdoor sex, she spent decades engaging in perverse fun before she decided to make some bucks doing what she loves best. Decades of swinging and lesbian experimentation paid off for Margo Sullivan when it came time to start her X-rated side career. She owns her own tiny production company that shoots her original content, but she also works for the big studios. Besides hunting, fishing, and getting railed harder than any younger woman, this cool chick is also a masterful poker player”Margo is basically a dream cougar!
Margo Sullivan's Nude Photos
Albums (1)
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