Malena Morgan
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- Height: 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 578
- 6
- 1011
Malena Morgan almost took a wrong turn early in her career. When she first realized how incredibly sexy she was, she decided to go out and be a regular boring model. Well, good thing she was more than just a hot bod and a pretty face, but also had that deep-down desire to become a full-fledged sex entertainer. After deciding that modeling alone was too damn boring, Malena realized that porn would be the best venue to strut her slutty stuff. Since then, Malenas complete package has graced the covers of some of the best and smuttiest mags around town. This girl loves hardcore gangbangs so much that she barely considers it sex if theres just one other partner. Girls everywhere in the biz are taking numbers for a chance to taste her earthly delights and drink down her hot snatch fluids. Her tits alone are enough to stop traffic during the Indianapolis 500, causing cars to race off the track and up her cleavage like a hard dick during a tit fucking. Shes the real deal and real squirter who could soak up a porn set so badly, the crew would need raincoats. Her feet alone can make cocks do the tango for a rub up between her heels. When you think back to how this superstar almost became a clothes-on model, you have to praise the lords of filth that they seduced her to the dark side of naked body bumping for the cameras.
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Albums (64)
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