Lizz Tayler

Lizz Tayler


  • Country:
  • City: -
  • Age:
  • Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
  • Weight:
  • Official Site: -

  • 392
  • 5
  • 249
Before we talk about why Lizz Taylers on-screen sex name was inspired by the famous actress of the silver screen, and before we talk about her idolization of Hall of Famer Brianna Banks, we want to talk about Lizzs nad-engorging sexiness and her unbelievable kinky abilities. Lizz is a true sizzler, with a grand pair of tits that will turn any carnivore into a softy for those sweet melons. Shes been blessed by the gods of perversity with all-natural boobs that feel nice enough to make you pre-cum out of your palms, and give your tongue a boner from tasting her sugary nips. With a tight body that sleeks in at the waist and curves back at the hips, she can slink like the Garden of Edens serpent through even your most biblical of fantasies. Lizzs lady garden is a nice and juicy flower, with crimson folds and a shiny fuck hole; her ass a firm plum, ready for plucking. This Arizonian babe literally grew up dreaming about being as slutty as Brianna Banks, and actually got Briannas signature as a tat on her belly. She also adored British-American actress Elizabeth Taylor for her elegant beauty and subtle charms. But today, our Lizz Tayler is more of a wild fuck starlet herself, who shows enough elegance and charm with every dick she sucks, every cunt she laps, every fuck she takes, and every wad she unleashes.

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Albums (17)