Kelsi Monroe
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
- Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
- Official Site: -
- 508
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The porno biz was trucking along just fine until two massive objects busted onto the scene and blew everyone away. Were talking about Kelsi Monroes two fat ass cheeks. That booty is so damn big and fine, just rippling with fuck flesh. Its amazing that this girl doesnt stay seated all day from carrying that junk around in her trunk, but amazingly, Kelsi is incredibly athletic and fit. She can do the splits, and upside down at that, heaving that butt weight over her head. When she plants her hands on her knees and sticks that rump out, its like she has the magnetic resonance of the Earths core in there, and every dick is plated in metal, getting sucked right into that tush cleavage. Kelsi is a Florida babe all the way, with the tan lines to prove shes a slutty sun child. With a hot face and some great shapely tits, shes a package deal for sure. She started getting down and sloppy in hardcore moviemaking at the tender age of 19, but youd think her ass had already had decades of experience, by the way she works it. Theres no position she cant handle: the cobra clutch, the pile driver, the reverse standing scissors, the dirty anaconda, etc. When the infamous net studio Brazzers approached her about doing a massive anal debut for their wickedly wet and wild site Big Wet Butts, Kelsi jumped aboard that ass-banging train and the Internet has never been the same since.
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