Jandi Lin
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 94
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- 28
Asian pornstar Jandi Lins superb looks and huge colorful tattoos are going to grab your attention and not let go until your balls are drained and your hand is sore. She may be on the small side, but everything about her is mind-blowing. Were talking sex appeal from head to toe. Her tiny, stunning bod is decorated with huge, elaborate tattoos, like the flower on her chest between her tits, and the phoenix that covers her entire back and extends to her perfect butt. Born on March 19, 1985, in Hawaii, shes of Chinese descent. A college graduate with degrees in Spanish and Art, Jandi was drawn to modelling and porn because she wanted to feel sexual and beautiful. Dont be fooled by her petite frame because shes a wildcat in the sack. She holds her own with buff porn dudes who look like theyre twice her size. Jandi wears them out, but they dont quit until her face is covered in cum. If all of this Jandi Lin talk is making you randy, give her a try in one of the videos below. A word of warning, though: keep a firm hold on your meat, as this little Asian will rock your cock off.
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