Halle Von
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 450
- 15
- 410
Halle Von takes the petite, perpetual teen look to the next level. Some of the shafts this teacup crams inside her are as big as her own forearm. She really is really small, really slim and really cute. The only meat youll find on the tiny Titan from Nashville is right where it should be: on her little tuckus. We can only imagine the bulges she must have sprung while working as a roller-skate waitress at Sonic. From flirty part-time work to camming, and now onto hardcore, Von is not your average pornstar. Despite her teenybopper looks, shes actually a real, live MILF. She has an awesome family that she gets to go home to every night,and she appreciates it, knowing that not everyone in the industry has that luxury. She admits that porn wasnt the lifestyle she imagined when she was growing up, but shes not ashamed of what she does either. She treats her job like a job, and thanks to the adult industry, her life is pretty chill.Halle says she always tries to do her best at everything, with porn being no exception. With such a tiny frame, she damn well has to work extra hard to fit those porn-sized ramrods inside her. She often looks as shocked as we do when shes getting the job done, but the stretched-to-the-limit look in her eyes just makes our cocks throb even harder. Halles goal in life is one we can all relate to: to be happy. And from the way that she flashes her pearly whites while taking a pounding, we think we can say that shes achieved that goal.
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