Foxy Lady
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- Height: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
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- 372
- 11
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Her name might sound generic, but theres nothing ordinary about Foxy Lady. She was born in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, in the northern cattle land of Mexico, near the US border. As a child, she gazed at the majestic Monterrey and Saddle Mountain. As she matured, her interest in the natural beauty of mountains was superseded by her interest in the natural beauty of the human body. She crossed the border and moved to Southern California, where her love of the human form turned her into a mega slut. This girl needs to be tongue-deep in pussy and asshole at least a few times a week. She also needs regular servings of hot jizz, whether its plastered across her face, shot down her mouth, or sent up her crotch canals. Foxy got started in the game as Jessie Vega and cut her teeth in the business with the one and only Max Hardcore. She got fitted with some mega-awesome breast implants, giving her a whopping pair of 36C melons. With her dark signature bangs and her piercing hazel eyes, she can induce boners with just a wink. The amount of heat and energy coming off her body when shes fucking is enough to power a small village. Its readily apparent that Foxy adores her job, and when you see her smiling with a faceful of cum, you too will enjoy her wonderful work.
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