Daphne Rosen
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 343
- 2
- 112
Were going to break out this bio of Daphne Rosen with one word: Busty! Daphne is an indisputable queen of the soft body bust. Take your stiffy out and you could literally fuck this girls body in any number of a dozen soft and warm fuck folds. Were talking thigh meat, pit flesh, belly folds and all. Of course, what really stands out as Daphnes winning feature is, hands down, her humongoid pair of melons¦ sweet and juicy with plenty to go around for everyone. Those tits are so massive, she could win a boxing match just by swinging her upper body, with her hands tied behind her back. Daphnes also got a massive pair of ass cheeks which help her stand upright in balancing her boobs. She claims her tits started expanding when she was just 11 years old, and they probably kept swelling for seven years until she was legally allowed to show them to the world. Daphne was born in Israel and could probably go back to help negotiate the Middle East peace process, with her big slutty tits and ass as incentive for everyone to get along. Certainly, horny guys and girls from every country, and of every religious persuasion, could all get along, sharing the delights of Daphnes busty body. The only rockets firing around Miss Rosen are pumped and loaded cock rockets and cunt squirts, and Daphnes got the voluptuousness to make for an easy target for the filthy firing of sex juices.
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