Christy Love
- Country:
- City: San Diego, US
- Age: 39
- Height: 5 ft 5 in (165 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 494
- 21
- 353
My name is Christy Love! I am a webcam model and pornstar. Ive used modeling/acting as my way to express my sexual healing and embrace my sexuality. I grew up in a very conservative home with my mother being Korean and my father being white and a conservative Christian minister. At a very young age, I experienced a lot of sexual events that lead me feeling lost, confused and broken. I had to live up to what my parents wanted me to be ; this perfect asian girl who was perfect at school, played the piano, religious and innocent. I was living a lie and I was so hurt inside. I turned to porn as my outlet to express myself and be who I truly was. From living a sheltered life in a bubble, to now a full time webcam model, I got to see the real world and saw that I wasnt the only one hurting inside. I went through years of therapy, counseling and went on a journey to find myself. As my journey as continued in the adult industry, my life has radically changed for the better.
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