Ava Taylor
- Country:
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- Age:
- Height: 5 ft 6 in (168 cm)
- Weight:
- Official Site: -
- 436
- 13
- 661
Check out little Ava Taylor, and try to deny that this fine little fuck freak, with those big nerdy glasses, doesnt make you want to go back to school, or at least become an optometrist. We know glasses alone arent enough to really define a hot new porn starlet, and for Ava, theyre just the beginning. Sure, they might help her see, but how well can she see when her glasses are smeared with cum after the hottest and messiest teen blojo ever? Avas young and horny hunger for cock is only matched by her hunger for attention, so no other business is better suited for this girl than the business of body banging. Her tear-drop tits are the best example of why small breasts can still compete with bustier older models, because you just cant help wanting to fit a whole tit in your mouth and suck until your lips turn white. Speaking of sucking, her twat moisture must taste like gumdrops, the way guys and girls go down on her and munch that pink pocket for hours. When she leans back and spreads her pussy lips, its like a floral symphony wafts out, making you blissfully dizzy. When it comes to up-and-comers, Ava Taylor has such a promising future that she might want to consider safety goggles instead of glasses for all the rapid-fire sperm bullets that are going to be shot her way. Well be watching her career with our fingers crossed on one hand and the other hand in the ready wank position.
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