Anya Ivy
- Country:
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- Height: 5 ft 2 in (157 cm)
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- Official Site: -
- 553
- 19
- 411
Anya Ivy mayve been inspired by a poisonous plant when she chose her name, but the only thing that this girl might poison is a marriage. What a smoking hot, bi-racial babe¦ half black and half white, and all sex pot. Shes got sweet caramel skin and the face of a cherub with flowing jet-black hair, wide almond eyes and a thick-lipped slutty mouth. Anya had her tits upgraded to sweet proportions, and those puppies still look real as ever. Shes got a tight frame and a perfectly firm apple-bottom ass¦ not exactly a jiggly booty like a full-on sista, and not a bony white-girl ass, either, but the kind thats the best of both worlds. Anyas a Georgia girl through and through. We bet her kisses, pussy and butthole taste like sweet Georgia peaches, by the way guys and girls want to spend hours nuzzling in and slurping at her holes. Her rise to slutdom followed the familiar path of many before her: waitress, then Hooters waitress, then dancing and stripping, and finally, professional fucking. She gets down with the chicks and the dicks equally, and if there isnt a partner around, shell be finger banging her own holes until she wakes the neighbors. If shes getting slammed by dick, however, that dick always has to face the dilemma of whether to unload on her gorgeous rack, her greasy ass crack, or her darling face. We Pornhub maniacs believe those are the best kinds of dilemmas, and Anya Ivy is the best of the best.
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