Alexis Silver
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- Height: 5 ft 3 in (160 cm)
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- 230
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- 111
Alexis Silver is a British bombshell with brown hair and tan skin. She is petite at just 53tall but she has giant 32GG tits. Despite those big boobs, she weighs just 129 pounds. Her waist is 26 inches around, and her ass is 32 inches wide. She started shooting porn when she was 25 years old and retired from the business in 2016. Before porn, Alexis wanted to become a marine biologist or a veterinarian, but clearly things took a different turn. She preferred the pornstar lifestyle because she could relax and chill out for a few weeks if she needed a break, while also doing side hustles. She likes not having to answer to some arbitrary boss in an office, though she noted that having regular income is always nice! Hailing from Leeds, she considers British folks to be more down to earth compared to Americans. However, she thinks this may be because she has spent so much time in LA, California, where the chicks have big dreams and even bigger fake tits. Alexis life is much the same as it was before, except now she gets recognized at the supermarket by people who have seen her in such sex flicks as, 110% Natural 9and Addicted to Boobs 2. Alexis has been in more than 275 porn movies, which is quite a lot for a British girl. She has really gotten around to all of the big porn companies worldwide.
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Albums (7)
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