Swap Family Sex Advice - S9:E7
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What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Megan Marx and her swap mom Kelly Caprice are doing their toes. When swap brother Parker Ambrose joins them on the couch, he realizes how much the girls’ outfits show their tits and twats. Swap mom and swap daughter tease Parker for being pervy. Swap dad Mitt joins the fun by telling Parker that if he needs any tips about getting laid, ask him.Later, Kelly offers to help Parker with his stamina. She gives him a handy and instructs him not to cum. Popping her big ones out, Kelly keeps on stroking Parker off. Megan and Mitt enter just in time to see Kelly riding Parker’s cock, which just gets them in the mood to play too. Sinking to her knees, Megan begins sucking Mitt’s dick like it’s her day job.Now that tits and dicks are out, the swap family gets busy in a foursome. On her knees, Megan helps Kelly suck Parker off while Mitt bangs Megan in doggy. Then Megan rides Parker in reverse cowgirl as Kelly enjoys Mitt on her back. Swapping spots, the Megan spreads her thighs for Mitt and Kelly goes on her knees for Parker. The guys keep the party going as long as they can, but soon Mitt has delivered a nice creampie to Megan even as Parker gives his swapmom the same treatment.
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